
● Digitalization will develop further in all industries, causing the source of “value” that generates profits (GDP) to shift.● Although Gunma has manufacturing as one of its strengths, ● In 2040, the prefectural population will shrink to numbers similar to before its rapid economic growth (approximately 1.6 million), and some areas will face the reality of “disappearing communities.”● Furthermore, the ageing population of Tokyo will also affect ● Further climate change (global warming) will trigger more ● Meanwhile, infrastructures protecting prefectural residents ● Post-capitalism will make the crisis of democracy more apparent, and the long-term tension in the international community will boost risks of protectionism.● The world’s population will continue to increase, boosting demand and causing the supply of energy, food, and water to become scarce.● Back-casting…a planning method that starts with defining ”lamron wen“ eht ot tfihS5This is an opportunity for GunmaEconomySocietyEnvironmentInternationalChallenges likely to arise by 2040Flexible and positive thinking is essential when looking upon the arrival of a new era as an “opportunity for regional areas (Gunma Prefecture).” In fact, I am certain that the redefinition of the value of regional areas in the new normal will enhance the strengths of Gunma Prefecture, as we are blessed with abundant nature and space, while being within the metropolitan area.this will also change, and Gunma will need to create new value.Gunma, causing an influx of senior residents and an outpouring of younger generations.natural disasters such as typhoons, torrential rains, and extreme heat.continue to deteriorate.“Adversity is an opportunity!”future goals and ideals, and deliberating what needs to be done in the present through analysis of present conditions and issues.● Digital Transformation (DX)…How the popularization of ICT will change our lives for the better in all aspects.Redefinitions with the shift to the “new normal” (tentative theory of the Prefecture)TerminologyAn explanation by the GovernorProspects for changeRapid acceleration of digital transformation (DX) to develop remote technologies.“Spacious living areas” will be the foundation for a sense of safety and peace of mind.Frequent occurrence of disasters will become commonplace.Not only food and energy, but also medical resources will become strained.VisionFuture prospects will change with the shift to the “new normal”We have summarized the challenges Gunma will face up to 2040 from the four perspectives of economy, society, environment and international affairs. The forecast sees changes in industrial structures due to digital transformation (DX)*, declining populations, increasing frequency and severity of disasters, decrepit infrastructures, the rise of protectionism and a dwindling supply of resources. Within these bleak prospects, society has transitioned to the new normal due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These changes were painful for many people. However, our Vision looks upon these changes in a positive light and draws up an image of Gunma Prefecture in 2040.A Vision that responds to challenges up to the year 2040The Vision is based on various changes in the environment anticipated in Gunma Prefecture up to 2040, and is a roadmap toward realizing a “vision goal” of enhanced well-being of residents, created through the “back-casting” method*. When creating this Vision, changes and potential brought about through the shift towards the “new normal” became major points of deliberation. What are these changes?Prospects for change (P5)Vision goal (P6/7/8)Roadmap to success (P9)Our goal in the “new normal” era is a Gunma Prefecture that is kaiso with three elements of well-being existing in harmony

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