
34● Enhancing functions and stabilizing management of prefectural hospitals● Number of convalescent beds (including acute phase recovery beds) ● Number of hospitals/clinics that offer home visits ● Offering communication support for foreign residents and providing living support to establish an environment in which foreign residents can reside with peace of mind● Offering educational and living support for households in need● Establishing support services for children in need including spaces where ● Promoting new value to be created with foreign residents, who are ● Developing environments in which single parents can work with peace of ● Creating a society with gender equality, in which women who wish to ● Deepening and promotion of comprehensive community care systems● Promoting the creation of work environments in which everyone is ● Supporting initiatives taken at local municipalities to prevent frailty● Realizing a society in which people with disabilities who wish to work can ● Frailty…Decreased strength and cognitive functions with age, which ● Number of municipalities who have support services 11Role-sharing and collaboration between medical professionals and the incorpora-tion of advanced technologies such as ICT to efficiently utilize limited medical resources and construct a system in which doctors and medical workers can work comfortably will be developed in Gunma Prefecture by 2040, for the sus-tainable provision of necessary medical care for all residents.Gunma Prefecture in 2040 will be a region that is full of vigor, in which diverse residents can actively participate in society regardless of age, gender, nationality, or ability.● Regional medical plan…By 2025, all prefectures in Japan will estimate necessary beds, etc. and future medical care demand along with designating the direction necessary for measures in each region within each medical function and category to establish a seamless system for medical/nursing care through efficient and effective use of limited medical resources. This has been formulated in Gunma Prefecture in 2016, and efforts are being made to develop functional differentiation and coordination of hospital beds while enhancing home medical and nursing care.● Promoting role-sharing and collaboration between medical organizations in light of future medical demand● Constructing a collaborative system for emergency and disaster medical care● Constructing a collaborative system for pediatric and prenatal care● Promoting telemedicine and construction of a collaborative system for home medical care● Work reform for doctors and medical workers, with measures taken toward uneven distribution of doctors in regions and categoriesAt the startLiving together with/co-creation with diverse culturescolleagues in our quest to create GunmaActive participation of residents relocating to Gunma and related population● Promoting relocation and its related population by creating a brand of Gunma livingCreating an inclusive society in which diverse residents support each other and play active roles● Collaboration/cooperation with human rights-related organizations and support groups and promoting various awareness-building and consultation activitiescomfortableEnsuring transportation methods that support diverse residents● Provision of transportation for regional living● Ensuring means of transportation that is effective and sustainable, by utilizing innovative technologiesTerminology202520 ● Ratio of women in management positions 16.1% ● Ratio of private sector employment of people with disabilities 2.14% ● Number people relocating to Gunma ● Ratio of workers taking paid leave 3533%2.30%962/year 1,400/year50.3% 70%● Related population…People from outside of the region who are can easily lead to functional disabilities and needing nursing care.neither relocated “residents” nor sightseeing “visitors,” who have diverse relationships with the regional community and residents.● AI on-demand transportation…Transportation services that offer pickup and drop-off services with AI dispatching to go to locations and times designated by user reservations.At the start5,276 487 or more 20256,067531TerminologyOffering support for children which will enable them to take on active roles in the futurethey can spend timemind and balance child-rearing and workActive participation regardless of gender● Promoting awareness in the general society, and promoting significance of the “elimination of stereotyped perceptions of gender roles (gender equality)” at home and the regional communitywork are able to exert their full potential at work along with those with difficulty working in conventional waysExtending healthy life expectancy and senior participation● Developing measures based on the Gunma Model geared toward estab-lishing a vibrant society with a long healthy life expectancyActive participation of the disabled● Holding training, etc. to communicate information on and deepen under-standing of disabilitiesactively participate in societyfor children including places where children can spend time PolicyPolicyEnhancing medical care provision systemsExtensive efforts will be made for the sustainable provision of necessary medical care for all residents by 2025.Realizing a society in which all residents can play an active roleDevelopment of an environment in which diverse residents are never left behind, to create a foundation for a society in which all residents can play an active role.

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