67● Creating “forestry businesses”● Forming a “Start-up Ecosystem” which will trigger autonomous innovation● Number of co-creation projects born from regional visions (Total) ● Number of regional management organizations ● Number of entrepreneurs supported by the start-up support project (Total) ● Number of regions working on “Forestry businesses” (Total) ● Facilitator…The original meaning is a promoter, but in this context, the term defines a person who helps with workshop proceedings from a neutral perspective, ● Start-up…Construction of innovations or new business models in short periods of time, and concepts or activities that develop new markets.● Collaborating with diverse educational organizations to provide systematic, comprehensive, wide-● Cultivating human resources for industry with academic collaborations● Cultivating free thinking with focus on junior and senior high school students● 6th grade students ● 9th grade students 13Gunma Prefecture in 2040 will have industries/academia/government collaborations to launch various unique co-creation communities rooted in Gunma soil, layered within the community, and creating local appeal. This appeal becomes a centripetal force which attracts shido-jin who will play active roles in the co-creation communities. These communities will be launched organically and take action, creating a cycle which results in issue-solving.Gunma Prefecture in 2040 will offer edu-cation to appreciate diversity and nurture a rich sense of humanity. Additionally, individually optimized, collaborative edu-cation by utilizing ICT and other advanced technologies, and learning that makes the most of the Gunma region will also be provided. This “new learning unique to Gunma” will cultivate shido-jin who will actively participate in industrial and administrative roles, at various fields in the region and education, to foster further shido-jin.inquisitive Creating a basis for the co-creation community● Supporting creation of local visions and nurturing facilitatorsResolving regional issues● Promoting community activities (community management organizations, community development organizations, etc.) with active resident participationDeveloping towns for sustainable living● Creating a “comfortable town center, perfect for walks” with new methods of public facility and space utilizationOperating the co-creation space “NETSUGEN” (32nd floor of the Prefectural Office)● Implementing initiatives for diverse human resource exchanges, taking up the challenge of starting new businesses, and resolving regional issuesOffering support for start-up businessesTerminologyto promote consensus building and achieving participant goals.● Establishing new learning methods built on DX● Promoting individually optimized education according to disabilities with development of education utilizing ICTspread, and diverse learning services utilizing ICTRegional creation through sports● Making the most of outdoor sports to boost the number of visitorsRegional creation through culture● Regional development with artCreating new appeal with tourism● Developing tourism sites that take into account the new normalCreating new values for forestry and farmingTaking responsibility as the “upstream society” of the Tone River System, which is the protector of rich water resources● Promoting forestry development with independent forestry managementAt the start2025-- 66 -- 13 459015025At the start202579.7% 76.2% 95% or more95% or morePolicyPolicyRatio of students who believe they can proactively think and act for problem-solvingCultivating co-creation communitiesLaunching co-creation communities which create innovation through exchanges with diverse “prefectural residents” from various fields, to enhance long-term sustainability.Promoting educational innovation and shido-jin rolesPromoting educational reform to cultivate people who think for themselves and have the power to take action in new fields (shido-jin), and gathering these shido-jin to create a society that will lead Gunma.